The excellenceof vaping

  • 4 tobacco-free years thanks to the electronic cigarette… After 30 years of smoking a packet a day. Just brilliant!Virginie - 48 years old
  • I started smoking when I was 14 and now I’m 40, I’ve finally managed to give it up. I’m no longer out of breath, can taste things again and I’ve got my health back.Pierre, 40 years old
  • I started smoking when I was 14 and now I’m 40, I’ve finally managed to give it up. I’m no longer out of breath, can taste things again and I’ve got my health back.Pierre, 40 years old
  • Tobacco may kill a billion people in the 21st century. In his documentary “A Billion Lives”, director Aaron Biebert points to the lies and misinformation spread by the tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbies as they attempt to retain their market share to the detriment of electronic cigarettes.PGVG MAGAZINE N°13 MAY/JUNE 2016
  • “Smoking is like going the wrong way down the motorway. Vaping is like speeding at 80 mph instead of 70 mph.”Bertrand Dautzenberg Professor of Pulmonology at Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University, Pulmonologist at La Pitié-Salpêtrière (Paris,) President of the Anti-Tobacco French Agency (OFT)